Online Admission & Examination

Online Admission & Examination

Address : Debargha Memorial ITI Collage Kamnara Pirtala,

Title of the document Student Seat Booking - Admission For Education Consultants


This ITI online exam is designed especially for ITI Colleges who wants to conduct their own exam system with their own set of Questions bank. This Online Test gives everyone freedom to conduct test at anytime & anywhere? for anyone.

Our model is based on addressing the needs of the industry and is, therefore, focused on making students work ready. We work extensively with various key stakeholders – government (Central and State), private companies (sponsors and employers), foundations, international bodies, trainees and parents - creating a vibrant mix of sponsored and trainee/employer-paid programmes, with a single objective of matching youth to jobs, or self-employment opportunities

Online Examination

Online Examination

Address : Debargha Memorial ITI Collage Kamnara Pirtala,